From work or school to all the relationships we keep, there are so many stressors that fill our lives and bring up symptoms of anxiety. Luckily, there are a number of tools that can make a difference against the difficulties of anxiety.
1. Ice is a powerful (and helpful) thing
In Dialectical Behavioral Therapy (DBT), one of the skills included within the curriculum is called TIPP, which stands for temperature, intense exercise, paced breathing and progressive relaxation. The “temperature” part of TIPP is essential for those battling anxious thoughts. To use this skill, grab a piece of ice and rub it on the inside of your wrists or on the back of your neck. Ice packs (like this one) on the back of your neck or over your eyes can be helpful in calming your system down when anxious thoughts arise.
2. Go for a mindful walk
Walking is one thing, but a mindful walk is something with a whole host of other benefits. Intentionally walking in nature, on the beach, or through your neighborhood, listening to the sounds, feeling the wind move around you, and seeing all the sights as you walk can help get your mind off the things making you anxious. Plus, the endorphins you’ll gain from even a little exercise can make a big difference. Listen to music or a podcast and try to throw yourself fully into listening to the words or walk without them, just listening to the sounds around you.
3. Journal
In today’s world, it seems as though everyone will tell you to journal, but it’s actually an extremely helpful tool when harnessed correctly. Look up journal prompts online (like these) or set a five-to-ten-minute timer and do your best to free write the entire time. Don’t judge yourself as you’re writing or on what you’re choosing to write about; journaling is helpful when judgment around it is released.
Anxiety can be tough to navigate, but these ideas can help you combat it head-on so you can start feeling better much quicker.